Geez morning everyone, crude in storage fell by 8.4 million barrels last week and our beloved Nymex jumped $3.23 to settle at $72.42.
Now, its time to take into serious consideration the blah blah blah we hear and watch all daylong on Bloomberg, CNBC, CNN, BBC, CCB, TTMOM, VVAZ e compagnia bella on the zombie dollar.
Are we going to see the GBP again at 1.80, 1.92, and 2.05 very soon? Doubt it vellllly much... However, some flushing, bluffing, speculation and manipulation are verosimile these few coming weeks otherwise how Wall Street traders can have lunch with a $ 4000.00 bottle of 1926 red wine. Hence, we will wait for the zombie dollar till it brings the benedetto Nymex to break thru the June 11th high of 74.31 which according to the AMAC (Advanced Monkey Analyser Calculator) should happened not later than next Tuesday, Aug 25th. Shall we see a + 76.50?
Thus, we believe that the best play of the week would be a nice red USO October $ 41 PUT (+USOVI) recommended at $ 190.00 and not a single penny more. Those smart can have it for 165 including tips. Your risk.
Have a wonderful Thursday and don't believe anything I tell you.
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